Saturday 11 October 2014


Saturday 11 October 2014
                                                   WHAT IS FASHION?

'Your never fully dressed without a smile'

Fashion is a way of showing your identity to rest of the world, its how people express themselves on the outside and there is no right or wrong to this. The first thing people can see is how you perceive yourself on the outside therefore fashion is seen as more than just an everyday outfit, it is an important trademark for some and not to others. It an identity!

Fashion shows a solid perception of how you present yourself to the rest of the world that makes you feel comfortable in your own skin. Fashion is an expression, the way people can judge others by the way they dress. Fashion is apart of everybody's lives and should be embraced, everyone has a chance to express themselves in a new rare way and make it something that should be shared.

Fashion is unique but is developed through  Shows, film, music and businesses the world of fashion behaviours - Devil wears Prada,Sex and the City, Valentino the last emperor these films create a sense of lifestyles and inspiration. 

Audrey Hepburn at Oscars 1954, wear she was first seen in Givenchy which later on in life she was now to be associated with, she left her own trademark within fashion, she was only seen wearing Givenchy in her films. Each route within fashion has its own enthusiasm, it specific use of colours, fabrics and production aimed at men or women.

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